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3 Ideas to increase your e-commerce conversion with UGC

July 4, 2024

Unlike polished marketing materials, UGC offers a dose of authenticity that resonates deeply with shoppers. It's the voice of trust, the social proof that convinces someone on the fence to finally hit "add to cart.”

3 Ideas to highlight UGC on your Site

Now that we understand the benefits of UGC, here are some ideas to highlight it and make the most of it.

UGC Idea #1: Customer Reviews on Product Pages

Customer reviews are essential for converting new clients. It's a habit ingrained in internet users of all ages: they scroll, often bypassing the product description, to find the comments section left by other customers.

However, text reviews are often not explicit or detailed enough.

A "great product, highly recommend" won't reassure a new customer. On the other hand, a photo or video where the customer shows the product in use or how it actually looks will be much more useful in informing a new buyer!

After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

UGC Idea #2: Influencer Images Featuring Your Products

If you work with influencers or are lucky enough that one posts about your brand organically, highlight this content on your homepage or product pages.

Influencers have large communities with similar tastes and trust them when making purchases.

If an internet user recognizes an influencer on your site, it will increase trust in your brand! In fact, 70% of French consumers are influenced in their purchasing decisions by UGC.

Moreover, influencer images and videos are often higher quality and more polished than those from customers, making them perfect for showcasing the aesthetic side of your product without branded content.

UGC Idea #3: Web Stories on Product Pages

If you're not yet familiar with web stories, they are simply story-like content hosted on a website rather than a social network.

Pretty straightforward, right? Their genius lies in their simplicity.

Internet users are already accustomed to the story format: it's digestible, quick, and very visual!

By adding web stories to your product pages or homepage, you can provide valuable information quickly or highlight UGC in its native format.

Additionally, web stories facilitate mobile navigation, an essential factor considering that 61% of online purchases are made on mobile devices.

Highlighting UGC on your site doesn't have to be complicated.  

With these three simple ideas – customer reviews with photos and videos, influencer content, and web stories – you can leverage the power of user-generated content to build trust, reduce returns, and boost your sales.  So start incorporating UGC into your strategy today and watch your brand flourish thanks to the voices of your biggest fans!